Dear mom,
You are my best friend, without a doubt. Not many daughters can say that about their mothers but it is so true! You have guided me and raised me to be a confident, respectful, and independent woman. You have taken care of me every single time that I've been sick... I remember you not only doing the usual of making me soup and bringing me medicine but even going as far as helping me blow my own nose (when I had pneumonia). Any time that I'm having a terrible day, you always talk me through it and give me advice. And I honestly don't know how you put up with me in my crazy young teen years... That's a whole different story! You've literally done it all!!! I'm so proud of everything that you have done and accomplished in your life. I hope to some day be as great of a mother as you are to me. Have a wonderful, beautiful, inspiring, lovely, happy day. I love you!!!
Love, Lyndsi Lea
So much to say and not really a place to start, first of all you are one of the most influentual figures in my life and through all of the tough things Lyndsi and I have went through you have been there trying your hardest and we will always know you for that. I haven't always been the best child but i know that you have always made the right decision even if I didn't think of it then, I do now. So on your special day(over the hill) please remember that I love you sooooooooooooooooooooo much!
With Love,
Happy Birthday! So happy to be celebrating a wonderful time in our lives. It has been such a great 5 years with you and I cannot imagine being with anyone else. As I mentioned last night you are such a good person, you have the biggest heart in the entire world and you make our lives(Lyndizzle, Coltgar and BDog) a better place. You are a role model for me, you have made me a better person by just being around you and experiencing your kindess towards family, friends and after last night strangers. I love you so very much and cherish every moment that I get to spend with you, I hope you have the best birthday ever!