Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Keep Calm & Love Life

   Busy day!!! Not only do I have a TON of homework but I also have to work! Thank goodness I don't have class today... Saving class for 8:30am-4pm tomorrow. BLEH! I have the beautiful luxury of being able to work from home though :) So to calm my mood and put me at peace while I'm attempting to accomplish so many things, I am listening to Jack Johnson, Ingrid Michaelson, Sublime, Bob Marley, Lily Allen, Red Hot Chili Peppers, and many other calming artists on a playlist that I created on my computer titled, "Keep Calm and Love Life." Isn't it incredible how music can change your mood? I love it!
   I'd also like to note that I'm an incense addict and just got some new smells. Burning incense also helps me stay calm and plus I love the smell! Although many people would beg to differ, I prefer it over candles. While it was burning, I looked over to see the ashes falling to the tray and the smoke rising to the ceiling and thought, this is a great picture opportunity for my blog today! And so be it... Here are some snapshots of my incense burning. Enjoy! And have a peaceful day!
   If you're stressed, do something to calm you down. Whether it be listening to your favorite music or looking up pictures of your favorite beach on google, do it! Life isn't worth stressing over. Find the positives and focus on them because they are worth so much more than the negatives anyways!

Monday, February 27, 2012

Happy Birthday, Mom!!!

Today is the celebration of my beautiful mother turning 40! YAY! Over the hill... She is just thrilled! :p We're giving her a lot of crap about her being old but she is still very young. Not only does she not look 40 but she also has a young soul. Mom, you are the most incredible woman ever! You have done such a wonderful job raising Colton and I and you are such an incredible wife to David and Stepmother to Brendon. We are all so very blessed to have you in our lives!!! 

   Dear mom,
You are my best friend, without a doubt. Not many daughters can say that about their mothers but it is so true! You have guided me and raised me to be a confident, respectful, and independent woman. You have taken care of me every single time that I've been sick... I remember you not only doing the usual of making me soup and bringing me medicine but even going as far as helping me blow my own nose (when I had pneumonia). Any time that I'm having a terrible day, you always talk me through it and give me advice. And I honestly don't know how you put up with me in my crazy young teen years... That's a whole different story! You've literally done it all!!! I'm so proud of everything that you have done and accomplished in your life. I hope to some day be as great of a mother as you are to me. Have a wonderful, beautiful, inspiring, lovely, happy day. I love you!!!
Love, Lyndsi Lea

   So much to say and not really a place to start, first of all you are one of the most influentual figures in my life and through all of the tough things Lyndsi and I have went through you have been there trying your hardest and we will always know you for that. I haven't always been the best child but i know that you have always made the right decision even if I didn't think of it then, I do now. So on your special day(over the hill) please remember that I love you sooooooooooooooooooooo much!
                                           With Love,

Happy Birthday!  So happy to be celebrating a wonderful time in our lives.  It has been such a great 5 years with you and I cannot imagine being with anyone else.  As I mentioned last night you are such a good person, you have the biggest heart in the entire world and you make our lives(Lyndizzle, Coltgar and BDog) a better place.  You are a role model for me, you have made me a better person by just being around you and experiencing your kindess towards family, friends and after last night strangers.  I love you so very much and cherish every moment that I get to spend with you, I hope you have the best birthday ever!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Meet the Dogs (B/W Edition)

I LOVE ANIMALS!!! I couldn't emphasize this enough... I have 3 dogs, 3 cats, a bunny, and some fishies. I know that's a lot of animals but trust me, if I had the option for more, I would definitely say yes! Today's post is all about my doggies. It's beautiful outside so I ran around with them and attempted to snap some pictures... Needless to say, they are all not very photogenic! :p


Name: Jesse
Nickname: Jessepoo
M/F: Male
Breed: Daschund
Color: Red
Age: 4 years
Story: Rescued him
Traits: Cuddlebug, Protective,
Sweet, Loves belly rubs 

Name: Toby
Nickname: Toby-Tobe (Tobers)
M/F: Male
Breed: Daschund/Cocker Spaniel mix
Color: Brown/Caramel
Age: 3 years
Story: Got as a puppy (first dog)
Traits: Funny, sweet, cute,
loving, terrible picture-taker

Name: Andy
Nickname: Nard dog
M/F: Male
Breed: Cocker Spaniel
Color: Blonde
Age: 2 years
Story: Got as a puppy
Traits: Silly, crazy, wild,
ditzy, funny


Saturday, February 25, 2012

Bread box makeover!

      My grandma got me a bread box for my future kitchen. I really like vintage themed kitchens so I decided to turn a regular store-bought bread box into something unique.

What you need:
  • Bread box (any shape, size, etc.)
  • Spray paint (whatever color you desire - I chose a "peekaboo blue")
  • Tarp (optional)
  • Gloves (also optional - I didn't use them and now I have Smurf hands)

Here are some before pictures:

Take your bread box outside and lay down a tarp then SPRAY PAINT AWAY!!!
I didn't have one but I wish that I did... I definitely dyed the grass :/
Sorry, Mother Nature!

I only needed one coat of paint on the top and sides but had to add
another layer where the bread box opens up because it was wet and
windy outside... It took forever to dry but was definitely worth it :)

The ending result:

My dogs were starring at me the entire time from inside trying
to figure out what was going on! :p

I hope you enjoyed :)
Lyndsi Lea

Friday, February 24, 2012

This Love...

     Today's blog post is dedicated to my one and only, the love of my life, the man that I'm going to spend forever with, Travis Ian!!! I honestly could never describe everything that I love about him and how incredibly thankful I am for him but I can sum it up...
     Travis and I met about 5 years ago during my freshman year of high school and his junior year on a band trip to St. Louis (yes, go ahead and laugh with the "that one time at band camp" jokes!) and became really good friends. I was dating someone else at the time so our relationship remained on a friends-only basis with the occasional text message to one another. Well, needless to say, I wasn't very happy with the relationship that I was in and Travis and I became closer so I ended it. Soon after, Travis and I started talking much more frequently. One day, we went on a walk at his neighborhood park, where he took me to the gazebo and asked me to be his girlfriend! Little did I know that by saying "yes" it would turn into much more than a high school relationship... I had said yes to my life partner.
     We had a blast in high school together but then he graduated and I was left behind... He got accepted into a wonderful college and I was so incredibly proud of him but was also very nervous of all of the unknowns. I remember I was so upset because he used to take me to school and we would get coffee (I couldn't drive at the time) and now my whole routine was about to change. Not only that but I was nervous that our relationship wouldn't make it... What if he started liking a college girl? What if we never saw each other? What if... What if... What if??? All of these questions preoccupied my thoughts but my gut told me that we could make it. If we could make it through this, we could make it through anything! Yes, there have been some obstacles that we've been put through but we're still going... He has about one more year of college left and I have about a year and a half of community college and then we can really start our lives together.
     I constantly wish that we could be together all the time. I'm thankful that I get to see him once or twice a month but I would love to be with him 24/7. It's crazy to say but I KNOW that I'm going to spend the rest of my life with him. He's my Prince Charming. He's funny, crazy, amazing, sweet, always there for me, gives the best advice, positive, handsome, creative, ambitious... Everything I've always wanted! I LOVE his family... Oh my goodness, words can't even describe. They are my second family and are the most amazing people in this world!!! They are always there for me and always find fun, crazy things to do! His parents call me their daughter, his sister is my sister, and all of his family members have accepted me as one of their own. I am so thankful and blessed that I will some day be officially a part of that family <3
     We have been in a relationship for 4 years now and are still counting!!! He is the best thing that has ever happened to me... Cheesy but true. He is my best friend and soul mate. I LOVE YOU, TRAVIS!!!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Hello There!

My name is Lyndsi Lea. I used to have a photography blog
and my close friends and family really enjoyed it but it was very
hard to keep up with... I have decided that I'm going to have a
blog where there are no rules or limitations...
I'm going to post stories, videos, music, graphics,
and of course pictures (I mean, I am obsessed with photography)!!!
This will be fun :)

Here's some fun facts about me:

current location
hair color
day of week
time of day
t.v. channel
This Or That
hugs or kisses
pepsi or coke
mcdonalds or burger king
chocolate or vanilla
lover or fighter
friends or family
love or money
listen to someone talk ot talking
personality or looks
magazines or comics
socks or barefoot
are you in love
how do you know
do you believe in love at first sight
longest relationship
kiss on first date
favorite thing about love
pet peeve
greatest memory
do you have any regrets
want to get married
want kids
do you believe in yourself
last movie you saw at the movies? was it good
can you handle the truth
biggest fear
most missed memory
first thought waking up
how do you want to die
do you get along with your parents
do you swear
do you have a pet
are you happy
do you go to college
do you get good grades
Do You Believe In
Extra Stuff
favorite tv show
words to describe you
short or long hair
favorite season of the year
do you like shopping